Thursday, November 01, 2007

Ouch to Wow.

(Click for bigger picture)

I finally found out why the RAW file format is so powerful.  Dad asked me to take a couple of pictures of the house for the Realtor.  Prior to doing this I had been fiddling with my camera, and for some reason I set it to take pictures in the RAW format. 


When I unloaded the pictures from the camera I realized that the pictures were somewhat bland.  So, I opened Photoshop and to my surprise Photoshop told me they were in the RAW format. Now understand that when Photoshop said this it opened up a dialog box asking me to make a few adjustments.  So after playing around for a few minutes, I generally figured out what made this or that happen. Finally after a few more minutes, I was able to take the original ouch picture and make it into the wow picture you see now.  I am now totally sold on why some one should use RAW. 

 I only encountered two problem. Photoshop would not let me export the picture to the JPG format.  It would, however, allow me to export to the JPG2000 format.  For those of you who aren't into the format stuff, JPG2000 is really good, but isn't supported very well.  I know there are some ways around this problem, but it would just be nice to be able to export directly to the JPG format. The other problem is that the file size for a RAW picture is twelve MBs verses the two to three MBs the normal JPG is. Granted, if I can take a bad picture and make in somewhat good, it might be worth it. 

 I still have a lot to learn, but just those two pictures have taught me how powerful RAW is and how much more I can get out of my camera!


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The computer I want...

So, the reason I have a job is so that I can spend it for various reasons and to save for the iMac! The only reason I haven't gotten it yet is because I'm waiting for the Leopard operating system to come out.  When it does come out (I can't wait for October); I'll make my order. Can someone explain why getting a computer is so cool when you get an Apple computer?  After getting my Nikon D80 this past year, I ran into problems with organizing my pictures.  So after seeing Steve show off iPhoto 08, I have to say it looks awesome!  Organizing photos by events makes so much since; since I often find my self doing that my self.  Even iMovie looks awesome.  Not to mention iWork's Keynote.  Keynote is Apple's version of Power Point, only it looks so much slicker.  Sorry, I could go on for some time about I would love to get a Mac.  Hopefully I will have an iMac latter this year.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

El Paso

^Click for full resolution. 

I've been looking for a great shoot of El Paso that looks good. I didn't find it till the other day when we were out showing my uncle around town. Now don't drop you jaw in shock thinking that all of that is El Paso. Every thing past the tall building is Mexico. I have one more shot that I might upload later. Also, I'll try to get a few more shots of El Paso (I think I'll have a chance in the next couple of days). As for now I'll spend some time with my Uncle.

Shot stats:
Nikon D80
ISO: 100
Aperture: f/5.3
Exposure Time: 6 seconds

Favored verse right now: 
Romans 1:11 (NIV)
I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong-


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Flying is AWESOME!

Did you know Harrison Ford is a Pilot?! A few weeks back my mom got an email from a Home school group leader informing us about some upcoming events! One of the events was the EAA's Young Eagles Flight Experience. When we looked into it we found out Harrison Ford is a pilot and the Chairman of the program. Naturally we became interested, being loyal to our heritage from living in Indiana and being a Jones.

I, truthfully, wasn't very interested until I got there. At first I thought we would just sit around watching some info movie about how planes fly and then get to hop in a plane and take a quick spin; which is ok, but a little boring... I continued that train of thought until Alex and I got in the plane. As you can see, I got the copilots seat and I was ear to ear (see picture above)! Alex, who you can't see, was right behind me and couldn't hear any thing we said for about half the flight, but he was smiling ear to ear as well. Since Alex's headphones and mic weren't working the pilot, Herb, handed me the yoke so he could fix it. This is where my smile went beyond ear to ear! I got to pilot the plane for about 50% of the flight! While we were up there we got to see an awesome bird’s eye view of El Paso and Juarez! We even flew along the border. It was awesome, and then being able to fly the plane was amazing!

When we got back on the ground, I found out that I could take flight lessons! It's kind of expensive, but I think it might be worth it. I'll have to think about that a little bit more, even though I think I'll take the introductory flight.

You can see some more photos of Alex and me at the airstrip HERE and below. Mom and Dad also got some video; so if you want to see it scroll down! As always please feel free to comment.

EAA Flying 5-12-07


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Joining the party!

What's up, Drew?

Well, I'm joining the blogging party. Hope you're doing well. Any news?

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Ultimate Gift

I saw The Ultimate Gift this past weekend and was shocked that it was good! The story is good and the acting was good. All in all I would advise watching it; if it is on at a theater near you! You can read more on The Ultimate Gift's website.


Thursday, March 08, 2007


Well, Sea world has decided that the park wasn't enough. Now - on top of the amusement/aquarium park and Dolphin encounter park - they are building a water/aquarium park! Aquatica! I have to say the concept art looks awesome and has me slightly intrigued. What do you think? Please leave comment after hitting up Aquatica's website.


Artwork is copyright Busch Entertainment Corporation.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

God's Time

God's Time. Have you ever thought about God and time. It hit me the other day when I was singing How Great Is Our God by Chris Tomlin. The lyrics go:

Age to age He stands
And time is in His hands
Beginning and the end
Beginning and the end

So, since god is not bound by time (like us) He literally controls time. The only way I can describe it to myself is this way:

God is currently making the world.
He is currently watching/controlling the events that are happening now.
While He is also destroying the earth right now.
God is doing all three at the exact same time.

So there you have it. My imperfect thought on God's time or lack of time, depending on how you look at it.


Sunday, February 04, 2007


Please pray for our family and for Mom and Dad.
