Thursday, November 01, 2007

Ouch to Wow.

(Click for bigger picture)

I finally found out why the RAW file format is so powerful.  Dad asked me to take a couple of pictures of the house for the Realtor.  Prior to doing this I had been fiddling with my camera, and for some reason I set it to take pictures in the RAW format. 


When I unloaded the pictures from the camera I realized that the pictures were somewhat bland.  So, I opened Photoshop and to my surprise Photoshop told me they were in the RAW format. Now understand that when Photoshop said this it opened up a dialog box asking me to make a few adjustments.  So after playing around for a few minutes, I generally figured out what made this or that happen. Finally after a few more minutes, I was able to take the original ouch picture and make it into the wow picture you see now.  I am now totally sold on why some one should use RAW. 

 I only encountered two problem. Photoshop would not let me export the picture to the JPG format.  It would, however, allow me to export to the JPG2000 format.  For those of you who aren't into the format stuff, JPG2000 is really good, but isn't supported very well.  I know there are some ways around this problem, but it would just be nice to be able to export directly to the JPG format. The other problem is that the file size for a RAW picture is twelve MBs verses the two to three MBs the normal JPG is. Granted, if I can take a bad picture and make in somewhat good, it might be worth it. 

 I still have a lot to learn, but just those two pictures have taught me how powerful RAW is and how much more I can get out of my camera!
